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Sleeping Aid

Zopiclone Medication – Treat Many Type of Sleep Disorders



Price :

$0.74Per Pill

  • Generic Name
  • Strength(s)
    7.5 mg
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  • Delivery Time
    25 days
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QuantityStrengthNew CustomerOld CustomerFree ShippingAdd to Cart
10 Pills 7.5mg$66$6.60$59.4$5.94
30 Pills 7.5mg$89$2.97$80.1$2.67
70 Pills 7.5mg$121$1.73$108.9$1.56
100 Pills 7.5mg$141$1.41$126.9$1.27
120 Pills 7.5mg$151$1.26$135.9$1.13
150 Pills 7.5mg$171$1.14$153.9$1.03
200 Pills 7.5mg$221$1.11$198.9$0.99

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300 Pills 7.5mg$309$1.03$278.1$0.93

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500 Pills 7.5mg$409$0.82$368.1$0.74

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Zopiclone 7.5mg is a potent sedative-hypnotic medication designed to alleviate insomnia. With a rapid onset of action, it induces sleep quickly, offering relief to individuals struggling with sleep initiation. By modulating the GABA neurotransmitter, it effectively calms the central nervous system, promoting relaxation. The standard dosage for adults is 7.5mg, ideally taken just before bedtime. Despite its efficacy, Zopiclone is recommended for short-term use to mitigate the risk of dependence. Users may experience common side effects such as drowsiness and dry mouth, while serious reactions necessitate immediate medical attention. Caution is advised, particularly regarding alcohol consumption and activities requiring alertness.

Advantages of Zopiclone 7.5mg:

  1. Effective Sleep Aid: Zopiclone is a potent medication for treating insomnia, aiding in the initiation and maintenance of sleep.
  2. Fast Onset: It has a quick onset of action, helping users fall asleep faster.
  3. Enhanced Sleep Quality: Users often experience improved overall sleep quality with reduced awakenings.

Working of Zopiclone 7.5mg:

  1. GABA Modulation: Zopiclone enhances the activity of GABA, a neurotransmitter that inhibits brain activity.
  2. Central Nervous System Depression: By promoting GABAergic effects, it induces a calming effect on the central nervous system, facilitating sleep.

Dosage of Zopiclone 7.5mg:

  1. Standard Dosage: Adults typically take 7.5mg before bedtime.
  2. Individualized Approach: Dosage may vary based on individual response and medical conditions, following healthcare provider guidance.


  1. Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol can intensify sedative effects; thus, its consumption should be avoided.
  2. Short-Term Use: Zopiclone is generally prescribed for short durations to prevent dependence.
  3. Caution in Elderly: Lower doses may be recommended for older individuals due to increased sensitivity.

Side Effects:

  1. Common: Drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, and altered taste.
  2. Less Common: Nausea, headache, and blurred vision.
  3. Serious: Allergic reactions, memory issues, and mood changes. Immediate medical attention is needed for severe side effects.


  1. Dependence Risk: Prolonged use may lead to dependence; gradual tapering is advised.
  2. Cognitive Impairment: Caution is needed when engaging in activities requiring mental alertness, as Zopiclone can cause impairment.
  1. Onset of Action: Zopiclone typically takes about an hour to start working.
  2. Food Intake: It can be taken with or without food, but an empty stomach may lead to faster effects.
  3. Addiction Risk: Prolonged use can result in dependence; adherence to prescribed guidelines is crucial.
  4. Missed Dose: If a dose is missed, skip it if close to the next scheduled dose; avoid doubling up.
  5. Pregnancy Use: Consult a healthcare professional regarding Zopiclone use during pregnancy, weighing risks and benefits.

Customer Review

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 4.5 / 5

Robert Lopez, Maryland, United States

Zopiclone 7.5mg is a potent sleep aid with a rapid onset, providing effective relief for insomnia by enhancing GABA neurotransmission. Its standard dosage of 7.5mg before bedtime promotes quicker sleep initiation and improved sleep quality. Users should exercise caution regarding alcohol consumption and potential side effects, emphasizing short-term use to mitigate the risk of dependence.