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Cetcip L 5mg

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QuantityStrengthNew CustomerOld CustomerFree ShippingAdd to Cart
10 Pills 5mg68.46.8460.86.08
30 Pills 5mg102.63.4291.23.04
70 Pills 5mg118.81.70105.61.51
100 Pills 5mg160.21.60142.41.42

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120 Pills 5mg187.21.56166.41.39

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150 Pills 5mg222.31.48197.61.32

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200 Pills 5mg260.11.30231.21.16

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300 Pills 5mg323.11.08287.20.96

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500 Pills 5mg449.10.90399.20.80

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Cetcip L 5mg is a powerful combination medication designed to provide comprehensive relief from allergy symptoms. With its unique blend of levocetirizine and montelukast, it effectively addresses sneezing, itching, and runny nose by blocking histamine and reducing inflammation. The convenience of a once-daily dosage ensures prolonged symptom control, enhancing user compliance. It is particularly beneficial for individuals facing allergic conditions that involve both histamine-related symptoms and inflammatory responses. While common side effects such as drowsiness and headache may occur, the dual action of Cetcip L 5mg makes it a valuable choice for those seeking a broader spectrum of allergy relief. Always follow the prescribed dosage and consult with healthcare professionals for personalized guidance.

  1. Comprehensive Allergy Relief: Cetcip L 5mg combines levocetirizine and montelukast for effective relief from various allergy symptoms, offering a broad-spectrum solution.
  2. Dual Action: Levocetirizine blocks histamine, while montelukast reduces inflammation, addressing both histamine-related and inflammatory aspects of allergies.
  3. Once-Daily Convenience: With a once-daily dosage, it ensures ease of use and prolonged symptom control.

Cetcip L 5mg’s efficacy lies in its dual ingredients – levocetirizine, an antihistamine, and montelukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist. Together, they work to block histamine and reduce inflammation, providing comprehensive relief from allergy symptoms.

Follow the prescribed dosage given by your healthcare provider. Typically, one tablet per day is recommended. Adhering to the prescribed dose is crucial for optimal results.

  1. Consultation: Seek advice from your healthcare provider, especially if you have pre-existing conditions or are taking other medications.
  2. Age Considerations: Dosage adjustments may be necessary for children and the elderly.
  1. Common: Drowsiness, headache.
  2. Rare: Allergic reactions, mood changes – consult your healthcare provider if these persist or worsen.
  1. Driving/Operating Machinery: Use caution, as Cetcip L 5mg may cause drowsiness.
  2. Alcohol Interaction: Limit alcohol intake, as it may enhance drowsiness.
  1. Onset of Action: Relief from symptoms is typically experienced within an hour, with individual responses varying.
  2. Missed Dose: Take the missed dose as soon as remembered, but skip it if it’s almost time for the next dose.
  3. Long-Term Use: Consult with your healthcare provider regarding prolonged use and any necessary evaluations.

Always adhere to medical advice and promptly report any unexpected reactions or concerns related to Cetcip L 5mg.

Customer Review

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 4.5 / 5

Casey Kline, Oklahoma, United States

Cetcip L 5mg stands out for its dual-action approach, effectively relieving allergy symptoms through the combination of levocetirizine and montelukast. The once-daily convenience enhances compliance, providing comprehensive relief from histamine-related and inflammatory aspects of allergies. While common side effects like drowsiness and headache may occur, the broad-spectrum effectiveness makes Cetcip L 5mg a valuable choice for those seeking efficient and convenient allergy relief.