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Aspadol 100mg Tab For Treating Mild to Severe Pain


Tapendol hydrochloride

Price :

$0.75Per Pill

  • Generic Name
    Tapendol hydrochloride
  • Strength(s)
    50-100 Mg
  • Brand Name
  • Delivery Time
    25 days
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QuantityStrengthNew CustomerOld CustomerFree ShippingAdd to Cart
10 Pills 50mg$69$6.90$62.1$6.21
30 Pills 50mg$93$3.10$83.7$2.79
70 Pills 50mg$129$1.84$116.1$1.66
100 Pills 50mg$149$1.49$134.1$1.34
120 Pills 50mg$159$1.33$143.1$1.19
150 Pills 50mg$179$1.19$161.1$1.07
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300 Pills 50mg$319$1.06$287.1$0.96

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10 Pills 100mg$71$7.10$63.9$6.39
30 Pills 100mg$103$3.43$92.7$3.09
70 Pills 100mg$139$1.99$125.1$1.79
100 Pills 100mg$171$1.71$153.9$1.54
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300 Pills 100mg$379$1.26$341.1$1.14

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500 Pills 100mg$505$1.01$454.5$0.91

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Aspadol, featuring tapentadol, is a prescription medication renowned for its potent pain relief capabilities, effectively managing moderate to severe pain through a dual mechanism of opioid agonism and norepinephrine reuptake inhibition. With dosages tailored to individual needs, Aspadol ensures personalized pain management. Its advantage lies in sustained relief, making it suitable for chronic pain conditions. Caution is advised for patients with respiratory conditions, as Aspadol may induce respiratory depression, and those with a seizure history should use it cautiously. Common side effects include dizziness and nausea, while severe reactions warrant immediate medical attention. Aspadol carries a risk of dependence, necessitating careful monitoring, and gradual tapering is recommended upon discontinuation. Always adhere to prescribed dosages and consult healthcare professionals for personalized guidance.

  1. Robust Pain Relief: Aspadol, containing tapentadol, stands out for its strong efficacy in alleviating moderate to severe pain, providing substantial relief.
  2. Dual Mechanism: It employs a dual approach by acting as an opioid agonist and inhibiting norepinephrine reuptake, ensuring comprehensive pain management.
  3. Extended Duration: Aspadol offers prolonged pain relief, making it suitable for chronic pain conditions and enhancing patient comfort.
  1. Opioid Agonism: Tapentadol binds to opioid receptors, modulating pain perception in the central nervous system.
  2. Norepinephrine Inhibition: Simultaneously inhibiting norepinephrine reuptake enhances the analgesic effect, addressing pain from multiple angles.
  1. Prescription-Based: Aspadol requires a prescription, and dosages should be carefully determined based on the severity of pain and individual patient response.
  2. Typical Dosage: Initial dosages commonly start at 50mg or 100mg every 4-6 hours, with adjustments made under medical supervision.
  1. Respiratory Depression Risk: Caution is crucial for individuals with respiratory conditions due to the potential risk of respiratory depression.
  2. Seizure History: Patients with a history of seizures should use Aspadol cautiously, as it may lower the seizure threshold.
  1. Common: Mild side effects may include dizziness, nausea, or constipation.
  2. Serious: Seek immediate medical attention for severe side effects like difficulty breathing, confusion, or signs of an allergic reaction.
  1. Addiction Potential: Aspadol carries a risk of dependence and addiction, necessitating careful monitoring and adherence to prescribed dosages.
  2. Withdrawal Symptoms: Abrupt discontinuation may lead to withdrawal symptoms; gradual tapering is advisable.
  1. Driving and Operating Machinery: Due to potential dizziness, caution is advised while driving or operating machinery.
  2. Alcohol Consumption: Limit alcohol intake, as it can potentiate the sedative effects of Aspadol.
  3. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Consult a healthcare professional regarding the use of Aspadol during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Always follow prescribed dosages and consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice. This information is a general guide and not a substitute for professional medical advice.

Customer Review

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 4.5 / 5

Wayne Cunningham, Minnesota, United States

Aspadol, powered by tapentadol, impresses with its potent pain relief, effectively addressing moderate to severe pain through a dual mechanism. Its unique combination of opioid agonism and norepinephrine reuptake inhibition sets it apart, providing comprehensive pain management. While offering extended relief for chronic conditions, users should remain vigilant for potential side effects and adhere closely to prescribed dosages under medical supervision.