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Generic For Zantac: will give you the life you aspire for



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$0.72Per Pill

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    100 mg
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    25 days
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QuantityStrengthNew CustomerOld CustomerFree ShippingAdd to Cart
20 Pills 100mg$38$1.90$34.2$1.71
50 Pills 100mg$57$1.14$51.3$1.03
70 Pills 100mg$76$1.09$68.4$0.98
100 Pills 100mg$104$1.04$93.6$0.94
120 Pills 100mg$115$0.96$103.5$0.86
150 Pills 100mg$138$0.92$124.2$0.83
200 Pills 100mg$179$0.90$161.1$0.81
300 Pills 100mg$249$0.83$224.1$0.75

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500 Pills 100mg$399$0.80$359.1$0.72

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Generic Zantac 100mg is a medication designed to alleviate conditions associated with excess stomach acid. By blocking histamine receptors in the stomach lining, it effectively reduces acid secretion, providing relief from heartburn, acid indigestion, and aiding in the healing of peptic ulcers. Prescribed by healthcare professionals, it offers a longer duration of acid suppression compared to antacids. Dosage is individualized based on the severity of the condition and is typically taken orally. While common side effects include headaches and gastrointestinal issues, serious reactions are rare. Caution is advised for individuals with kidney or liver concerns, and pregnant or nursing women should consult healthcare providers before use.

Advantages of Generic Zantac 100mg:

  1. Acid Relief: Generic Zantac 100mg is effective in relieving conditions related to excessive stomach acid, such as heartburn and acid indigestion.
  2. Ulcer Healing: It aids in the healing of peptic ulcers by reducing gastric acid production.
  3. Preventive Action: Regular use can help prevent heartburn associated with acid reflux.

Working of Generic Zantac 100mg:

  1. Histamine Blockade: It works by blocking histamine receptors in the stomach lining, leading to a reduction in the secretion of stomach acid.
  2. Extended Duration: Provides a longer duration of acid suppression compared to some other antacids.

Dosage of Generic Zantac 100mg:

  1. Prescription Guidance: Dosage is typically prescribed by healthcare professionals based on the severity of the condition.
  2. Oral Administration: Taken orally, with or without food, as directed by the healthcare provider.


  1. Medical Consultation: Consult a healthcare provider before use, particularly for individuals with kidney or liver issues.
  2. Pregnancy and Nursing: Pregnant or nursing women should seek medical advice before using Generic Zantac 100mg.
  3. Medication Interactions: Inform healthcare providers about other medications to avoid potential interactions.

Side Effects:

  1. Common Effects: May include headaches, constipation, or diarrhea.
  2. Serious Side Effects: Seek medical attention for rare but severe reactions like allergic responses or liver problems.


  1. Long-Term Use: Prolonged use may be associated with certain risks, necessitating monitoring by healthcare providers.
  2. Allergic Reactions: Individuals allergic to ranitidine or related substances should avoid Generic Zantac 100mg.

FAQ of Generic Zantac 100mg:

  1. Onset of Relief: Relief from symptoms is often rapid, occurring within an hour of taking the medication.
  2. Missed Dose: If a dose is missed, take it as soon as remembered. If close to the next scheduled dose, skip the missed one.
  3. Alcohol Consumption: While moderate alcohol consumption is generally acceptable, consult healthcare providers regarding alcohol use during treatment.

Customer Review

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 4.5 / 5

Nevin, UK

I used to always have troubles in my stomach after having food from resonant but then I started using Generic Zantac(ranitidine tablets) that truly helped me to lead a happy life.