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Voltarol Tablets- For Acute Injury Pain and Inflammation



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$0.68Per Pill

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    100 mg
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    25 days
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QuantityStrengthNew CustomerOld CustomerFree ShippingAdd to Cart
30 Pills 100mg$71$2.37$63.9$2.13
50 Pills 100mg$105$2.10$94.5$1.89
70 Pills 100mg$119$1.70$107.1$1.53
100 Pills 100mg$149$1.49$134.1$1.34
120 Pills 100mg$159$1.33$143.1$1.19
150 Pills 100mg$169$1.13$152.1$1.01
200 Pills 100mg$199$1.00$179.1$0.90
300 Pills 100mg$279$0.93$251.1$0.84

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500 Pills 100mg$379$0.76$341.1$0.68

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Voltarol 100mg, containing diclofenac, is a prescription medication renowned for its efficacy in managing pain associated with conditions like arthritis. By inhibiting COX enzymes, it alleviates inflammation, offering relief from discomfort. The versatile formulation, available in tablets and topical forms, provides flexibility in administration. Dosages, typically starting at 100mg once or twice daily, are personalized based on individual responses and specific conditions. Precautions include informing healthcare providers of any heart issues or allergies, with regular monitoring for those with impaired kidney or liver function. While mild side effects like stomach upset may occur, users should promptly report severe gastrointestinal problems or allergic reactions. Vigilance for cardiovascular risks and gastrointestinal complications, such as bleeding or ulcers, is crucial during prolonged use. Always adhere to prescribed dosages and consult healthcare professionals for personalized guidance.

  1. Effective Pain Relief: Voltarol 100mg, containing diclofenac, is highly effective in alleviating pain associated with conditions like arthritis and inflammation.
  2. Anti-Inflammatory Action: It works by inhibiting COX enzymes, reducing the production of prostaglandins and thereby decreasing inflammation.
  3. Versatility: Available in various formulations, including tablets, providing options for personalized treatment.
  1. COX Inhibition: Diclofenac in Voltarol 100mg inhibits cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes, reducing the production of pain-inducing prostaglandins.
  2. Pain and Inflammation Reduction: By curbing prostaglandin levels, it effectively manages pain and decreases inflammation.
  1. Prescription-Based: Voltarol 100mg requires a prescription, and the dosage is determined by the healthcare provider.
  2. Typical Dosage: Initial doses commonly start at 100mg once or twice daily, adjusted based on individual response and the specific condition.
  1. Medical History: Inform your healthcare provider about any history of heart issues, gastrointestinal problems, or allergies.
  2. Kidney and Liver Monitoring: Regular monitoring may be necessary for individuals with impaired kidney or liver function.
  1. Common: Mild side effects may include stomach upset, headache, or dizziness.
  2. Serious: Seek medical attention for signs of severe gastrointestinal issues, allergic reactions, or cardiovascular complications.
  1. Cardiovascular Risk: Prolonged use may elevate the risk of cardiovascular events, especially in individuals with pre-existing heart conditions.
  2. Gastrointestinal Risks: Voltarol can cause stomach bleeding or ulcers, necessitating vigilance for symptoms like black, bloody, or tarry stools.
  1. Combining with Other Medications: Consult your doctor before using Voltarol alongside other medications to avoid potential interactions.
  2. Topical vs. Oral Formulations: Depending on the condition, your healthcare provider may recommend topical formulations for localized pain relief.
  3. Alcohol Consumption: Limit alcohol intake, as it may increase the risk of gastrointestinal side effects.

Always adhere to prescribed dosages and consult healthcare professionals for personalized guidance. This information serves as a general guide and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

Customer Review

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 4.5 / 5

Rita Cooper, Kansas, US

Voltarol 100mg, featuring diclofenac, impresses with its potent pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties. The inhibition of COX enzymes effectively manages conditions like arthritis, offering versatile formulations for personalized treatment. While mild side effects are possible, vigilant adherence to prescribed dosages and precautions ensures its efficacy in providing relief from pain and inflammation.