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Modalert 200mg – Treatment For Shift Work Disorder



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$1.17Per Pill

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QuantityStrengthNew CustomerOld CustomerFree ShippingAdd to Cart
20 Pills 200mg$79$3.95$71.1$3.56
50 Pills 200mg$125$2.50$112.5$2.25
100 Pills 200mg$179$1.79$161.1$1.61
200 Pills 200mg$319$1.60$287.1$1.44

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300 Pills 200mg$449$1.50$404.1$1.35

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400 Pills 200mg$549$1.37$494.1$1.24

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500 Pills 200mg$649$1.30$584.1$1.17

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Modalert 200mg is a widely prescribed medication renowned for its efficacy in promoting wakefulness and cognitive enhancement. Commonly used to address sleep disorders like narcolepsy and sleep apnea, it works by targeting neurotransmitters to enhance alertness without typical stimulant side effects. The standard adult dosage is a 200mg tablet taken in the morning, with adjustments made under medical guidance. While generally well-tolerated, users should exercise caution regarding potential side effects like headaches and insomnia. Modalert 200mg is valued for its minimal risk of dependency compared to traditional stimulants. Consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended for personalized advice and safe usage.

  1. Enhanced Wakefulness: Modalert 200mg effectively combats excessive sleepiness, promoting heightened alertness.
  2. Cognitive Enhancement: Known for improving focus and memory, enhancing overall cognitive function.
  3. Treatment for Sleep Disorders: Widely prescribed for conditions such as narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder.

Modalert 200mg operates by targeting neurotransmitters, specifically promoting wakefulness without typical stimulant side effects.

The standard adult dosage is one 200mg tablet taken orally in the morning. Dosage adjustments should be made under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

  1. Medical Supervision: Use Modalert 200mg under the supervision of a healthcare provider.
  2. Alcohol Interaction: Limit alcohol intake to prevent potential interactions.
  3. Inform Your Doctor: Disclose existing health conditions and medications to avoid potential complications.

Common side effects may include headaches, nausea, and insomnia. Severe reactions are rare but may include chest pain or allergic responses.

  1. Dependency Risk: Be cautious to prevent misuse or dependency; use Modalert 200mg as directed.
  2. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Consult a healthcare provider before use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  3. Driving and Machinery: Modalert 200mg may impair judgment; avoid operating machinery or driving until effects are understood.
  1. Onset of Action: Effects typically manifest within an hour of consumption.
  2. Administration with Food: Modalert 200mg can be taken with or without food.
  3. Addictive Properties: While considered less addictive than traditional stimulants, responsible use is crucial to avoid dependency.

Always seek professional medical advice for personalized recommendations and guidance on the use of Modalert 200mg.

Customer Review

Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 4.5 / 5

Louis Thomas, South Carolina, United States

Modalert 200mg offers a notable solution for combating fatigue and promoting heightened alertness, making it a valuable asset for individuals grappling with sleep disorders. Its cognitive enhancement benefits, coupled with a well-tolerated profile, distinguish it as a popular choice. However, cautious use is advised to mitigate potential side effects, and consultation with a healthcare professional ensures safe and effective usage.